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"Stay with us, Lord, on our journey."



Our Chaplaincy contributes to the development of the school as a Catholic community by offering spiritual guidance to pupils and staff. Through the Chaplaincy, we provide help, support, encouragement and care to help ensure that St Ambrose Barlow is a happy, spiritual place in which to learn and grow in faith.

Chaplaincy Co-ordinator: Mr R Jordan

Charity Co-ordinator: Mrs B Dwyer-Moores


What does the Chaplaincy offer?

The Chaplaincy provides a unique opportunity to promote the teachings of Christ in a relevant and meaningful way, encouraging the involvement and participation of staff and pupils in the liturgical life of the school. Mr Davies, our Chaplaincy Co-ordinator, is responsible for promoting the Catholic ethos of the school community by organising and delivering a programme of collective worship, special masses and liturgies. She also works closely with every year group, supporting them spiritually and pastorally. Our pupils have the opportunity to get involved in charity work and can join our Chaplaincy Team to offer their support to the local community and liturgy in school.


How we use our Chapel:

  • The chapel is open Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes every week so that pupils can come freely to pray and have some quiet time to reflect.

  • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction takes place in the Chapel every first Friday.

  • During the months of May and October a decade of the rosary is led by our chaplaincy pupils every lunchtime in the chapel and there is a morning Rosary Walk every day.

  • We have form liturgies during family time in the chapel. This is often led by the family tutor which allows the form to take part in collective worship together in a quiet and reflective environment.

  • The chapel is also used by our RE staff at times during lesson time.


Collective Worship is Important

Although we have our chapel in which to celebrate collective worship, as a school we build in other opportunities too: Mass, Rosary Walks, Adoration, Benediction, Confessions. Special events are often celebrated in our local parishes, such as the Welcome Mass for Year 7 and the Leavers' Mass for Y11 and Y13. It is an opportunity for our pupils to see that they are part of a wider Catholic community and they enjoy taking time out of their busy school day to worship and reflect.



The Sunday Gospel is shared every Wednesday at Wednesday Word, when form tutors reflect on the Gospel and its meaning with young people.



Extra-Curricular Experiences through Chaplaincy:

At St Ambrose Barlow, we are always seeking ways to develop and nurture the whole person. We are inspired by Christ, "I have come that you may have life and have it to the full" John 10:10. We build in opportunities for our young people to be a witness to their faith beyond their school community.

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