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Life to the Full
(St John 10:10)

Parent council

Our main aim is to represent the parents & carers, making sure you get the information you need in an accessible way and that school staff get feedback on parents' views.  The Council was formed in early 2017.

We play an important role in improving links between all parents and the school.


While we aren’t here to resolve individual parent/pupil issues, we are happy to help address any general issue that’s of interest to parents, including school policies on such things as communication, bullying, sexual health and relationships education, homework and school uniform.

We also take on social and fundraising activities, with the aim of improving links between parents, the school, and the local community.

Who can join?

There are currently 14 members of the Council, made up of parents/carers of children at Ambrose Barlow, supported by the Headteacher, Teachers and Teaching Assistants. Any Parent/Carer is welcome to attend our meetings.

The role of the Headteacher on the Parent Council

The Headteacher has a right and a duty to attend meetings of the Parent Council or he can send a representative. The Headteacher is an advisor to the Parent Council and does not have a vote. The Parent Council may ask the Headteacher to report to their meetings but we as parents decide on the agenda.

Contact us

You can become involved, contact us, or find more information about us in the following ways:

Twitter: @SAB_ParentC

Facebook: St Ambrose Barlow Parents (Official Group)


We look forward to hearing from you. 

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