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Be Ambitious for the
Higher Gifts 

(St. Paul 12:31)

Be Ambitious for the
Higher Gifts 

(St. Paul 12:31)

Be Ambitious for the
Higher Gifts 

(St. Paul 12:31)

Mission, Vision & Values

We express our mission simply: Love, Learn, Lead.  For us these three words express our core values and commitment to our faith and describe the journey of learning and development that young people undertake at St. Ambrose Barlow RC High School.


Our vision is to provide Inclusive Catholic Excellence.


Our mission is the starting point for everything we do.  The three values of our mission are:


Love: expressing our commitment to recognising and celebrating the God-given dignty and uniqueness of each child in our care

Learn: demonstrating the excellence in learning and teaching that foster, affording opportunities to grow in knowledge and wisdom

Lead: our overall aim is that young people can lead lives that make the most of what they can do and achieve, acting as men and women for others


Each of the three values is accompanied by three virtues which describe the habits and behaviours we are expect from everyone in our Catholic school community.  These form the basis of our celebration and recognition system.


The full Mission Statement is as follows:

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