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Life to the Full
(St John 10:10)


The Governing Board of St Ambrose Barlow RC High School is made up of Foundation governors, parent governors and staff governors who work together as one team to provide: 

  • Leadership, clarity of vision ethos and strategic direction of the school

  • Accountability for the performance of the school and its pupils

  • Oversight of the school's finances ensuring resources are targeted for maximum effect 

Governors act as a critical friend to the school supporting the Head Teacher and staff in providing pupils with the learning journey and inspirational experiences they need, ensuring that every child matters. We live out the Gospel Values inspired by Christ the Teacher and are mindful of pupils, parents and staff who we support in achieving the best possible results.

Our school has grown to include pupils from six local parishes and has a vibrant 6th Form which welcomes students from across Salford. Governors are representative of the local community and bring their expertise and knowledge to ensure that we have a wide range of skills to deal with school business.

I have been elected as the new Chair of Governors in July 2017 and I am fortunate to have an experienced and dedicated team of governor colleagues who spend many hours volunteering to attend school, meetings and other activities.

Governors are supportive of our Head teacher and staff and the successful way in which pupils are given the best possible start for adulthood and the world of work. As a Catholic school we educate people to be good citizens not just good pupils and are grateful for the support we receive from parents and the community.

St Ambrose Barlow is a special place, a caring and inclusive community that shares good practise with others. We encourage you to be part of the school community supporting your children and attending school events.

Governors are justifiably proud of what we now refer to as My Ambrose.


Contacting the Chair of Governors

The Chair can be contacted by writing to the school or by emailing:


All terms of office last for a period of 4 years.

  • Foundation governors are appointed by the Diocese

  • Staff governors are appointed by school staff

  • Parent governors are appointed by parents of pupils at the school

  • Co-opted governors are appointed by the Governing Board

  • LA governors are appointed by the LA

  • The Head is ex-officio 

Governing Board Responsibilities and Roles (2022-23)

Vikki Allen (Chair of Governing Board)

Leadership and Management; Safeguarding/ CLA; Behaviour & Attitudes (including attendance)

Margaret Woodhouse (Vice Chair of Governors; Chair of School Effectiveness Committee)

Quality of Education – English, Maths, Science

Jonmarc Bessonies (LA Governor)

Quality of Education – Humanities, MFL, PE; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Cath Taylor (Foundation Governor)

Quality of Education – SEND, Disadvantage (inc. Pupil Premium) & Literacy

Grahame Walker (Chair of Finance and Resources Committee):

Leadership and Management – Health & Wellbeing (including Staff workload etc); ICT & DT

Foundation Governor (Vacant)

Personal Development; Art, Music Drama

Peter Conroy (Foundation Governor)

Faith Life and RE

David Kerrigan (Parent Governor)


Jennifer Gray, Staff Governor

Monsignor John Dale, Foundation Governor

Kate Parkes, Parent Governor  

Committees 2023-24

School Effectiveness

V Allen (Chair)

M Woodhouse

Mgr J Dale                                                               

C Taylor

J Gray

K Parkes

B Davis, Headteacher

If you wish to raise a complaint you must use the school's complaints procedure which can be found here It is important that you do not contact members of the Governing Board directly about a complaint as this may compromise the complaints procedure. 

Time off for union duties

In Academic Year 2023-24 we have two members of staff who are union representatives.  To date they have had no days off to undertake their union duties.  We work closely with unions and professional associations to ensure that staff are supported. 

In Academic Year 2022-23 two school days were required by one member of staff for union duties. 

Finance and Resources

G Walker (Chair)

P Conroy

D Kerrigan 

J Bessonies

V Allen

K Parkes

B Davis, Headteacher

Employee Salary Information  

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