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The Depths of the Riches of
Wisdom and Knowledge

(Romans 11:33)

Horizons: Post-16

This page sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

Pupil Entitlement

All pupils in years 7-13 are entitled to:

  • to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;

  • to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through open events, assemblies, groups discussions and taster events;

  • to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.

You can read more about the careers programme for each year via the curriculum maps here:

Measuring and Evaluating Impact

We understand that our careers activity needs to be relevant to the needs of our pupils and the local and national context. We measure, evaluate and assess the impact of our careers programme in a number of ways.  These include through pupil voice; staff and employer voice; the tracking of destinations and NEET figures, data and information from our careers guidance provider; external reviews; working with post-16 providers.

Event Feedback

After each event we hold we ask our pupils for feedback on the activity to find out what they enjoyed and what they would like to see done differently. This is done in a number of ways through student voice / Google form questionnaires and paper-based questionnaires. We also ask teaching staff who were involved in the activity to provide their feedback to allow us to evaluate from a teacher perspective.

Along with the students and teachers we also ask for feedback from the employers we engage with in the form of an online questionnaire. We use this to improve and adapt the activity should the need arise.

Y11 Destination Figures

We track our Y11 leavers each summer through a number of methods to confirm post 16 plans. We support students through this transition period to encourage movement into a positive onward destination. We aim to have as few NEET as possible and this is something we are proud of as a department and school. We invest heavily in our careers programme and this reflects in our positive destination figures. These can be seen on the website.

Careers Interview Feedback

Following interviews with the careers advisor we encourage pupils to provide feedback either verbally or online to allow us to continually improve the service we provide to our students.

Parental Feedback

We actively encourage parental feedback from events we have run and this allows us to deliver these events in the future. We are developing a parental questionnaire to be used on the website which will allow further parental input.

Reviewing Our Delivery

We regularly review our delivery plans and activities. We are committed to reviewing our CEIAG programme via external inspection and accreditation through the Inspiring IAG Awards, where have achieved Gold status in 2016.  Our next planned review of careers education is the spring/ summer of 2023.

Management of provider access requests


We welcome all post-16 providers to our school and are committed to ensuring that our pupils have a strong understanding of the full range of post-16 options open to them.  A provider wishing to request access to St Ambrose Barlow RC High School and volunteer to take part in our careers related events should contact:

Rob Jordan
0161 921 1570

Here are some useful websites that will help pupils and parents find information on careers / future choices and provide information to research when talking about career aspirations.

Useful Websites

Watch Videos about Jobs:

Read about different jobs:

Learn about the 350 job roles in the NHS:

Take the Buzz Quiz:

Learn about job trends in the UK:

How to get into different careers:

List of all qualifications and levels:


CV writing guide:

Skills employers are looking for: 

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